Tag Archives: Music

Raghav on Bibi

Bibi Magazine

April 10th, 2011

So Much!

Raghav & I

It was one of those unseasonably warm winter nights, when it just didn’t feel like Toronto. Thank you global warming, for working on days I need to be in high heels! Yes, stilettos in this year’s great white northern winter, but I had good reason; I was handling celebs for a high-profile event, and today was the night we’d meet our “charges”.

As I hob-nobbed with the cream of North American desis that night, and my feet started feeling the pain of shoes that look so good but feel so wrong, I decided to take a breather by the fireplace. Trying to rub my feet discreetly, without garnering attention, the sudden voice behind, startled me…for the rest of the story

Jay Sean on Bibi

Bibi Magazine

August 3rd, 2010

Jay Sean: New Look, New Single, New Album

What Can Brown Do for You?

The first time I heard of Jay Sean was back in 2004. Those were the Rishi Rich & Juggy D days and Jay was still somewhat of a crossover desi sensation, you still heard the occasional Mai Tere Naal Nachna interspersed in his beats. While his songs were still flirting with mainstream, Jay came to American shores. One of my Jay-lorn college going gal-pals dragged me to a little club in New York, where Jay was headlining. I remember resisting the thought; I was not going to go see yet another “Brown Boy Go Black”, but I was suckered into the night out anyway…for the rest of the story…